60th Reunion -
The REK'D Years
Pat (Minteer) Clopton said it best...
We came by planes, cars, bicycles and kayaks.
We came to Smith Filter - to fondly remember Roger and to thank Norma for her generosity of spirit. We moved through a kaleidoscope of maroon and white - faces so familiar and yet occasionally sneaking a peek at a name tag....hugs and handshakes, the currency of friendships. [Show the rest]
We came to the golf course to once again compete, reminisce, enjoy fellowship....and tell golf lies.
We came to the river, the mighty Mississippi of our youth. We settled in for stories long forgotten, drawing on memories a bit dim, but always taking us back to that glorious time of "The Old School." We wandered up on deck to watch the passing scene, the shorelines of our youth, the majesty of the river.
We came to Oakwood Country Club. Beautiful ladies and handsome gentleman celebrating our lives and our friendships. Roger Dunlap, the longest serving president in the history of the world, introduced those who read the names of our dear departed classmates - tears welled up in many eyes. Don Sundquist memorialized Roger Smith, reunion committee member, husband, father and caring gentleman. A sumptuous meal was followed by a quiz - how could we possibly have forgotten so much? We took a stroll down memory lane with black and white photos of "The Way We Were."
We came to The Windmill for brunch. Tables of friends hoping to catch up with those we may have missed the past couple of days. Last minute hugs and handshakes, continuing to the parking lot for our final goodbyes.
Our gratitude goes out to our hard-working reunion committee. Every detail was well thought out and perfect.
So, here we are in the twilight of our lives, basking in the glow of enduring friendships. How were we so lucky to have been a member of the Moline High School class of 1953? We go our separates ways for a couple of years, looking forward to our next time of hugs and handshakes, but we'll never really be apart because....We Are Moliners!