A group of '53 classmates and spouses got together on the morning of January 9th, on South Padre Island, Texas. Attendees were Dorothy and Ted Zaleski, Toody and Chuck Hoskins, Paul and Joyce Aller, and Paul and Diane Womack. Toody (Hearn) Hoskins describes the scene: Dorothy, Ted, Chuck, and I had a good trip to Padre Island to meet with Paul and Diane Womack, and Paul and Joyce Aller. After rehashing the past 50 years, and contemplating good times in '53, Joyce took a couple of pictures of us all out on their balcony before going out for lunch. These pictures were taken during and after lunch so we are all several lbs. heavier. After we rolled out of the place, all headed home. We had a great visit, and good time had by all.